Now is the time Venus is visible after sunset in the heavens — thus the name Evening Star, with mythological/poetic license rooted in the old-age story written by the Sumerians — "The Descent of Inanna". Queen of Heaven and Earth. Some of the oldest pieces of writings that we have records of tell us how ancient sky watchers observed and inscribed the movements of planets in the heavens and, most touchingly, how those movements correlated to life events on Earth at that particular time. That's how the body of knowledge of astronomy/astrology (which were one and the same) started to be composed. Isn't it amusing?
As the story goes, the present phase of Venus — which She is once again visible and brilliant in our sky after being in the underworld (behind the Sun), surrendering all that is called to be released, all that we are no longer — leads to Her Ascension as the Evening Star. Queen of Heavens. From now on, at each Moon Gate — each time Venus conjuncts the Moon — Venus/Inanna redeems Her sacred jewellery, clothing and light that She surrendered to get there. It is a moment of Renaissance. Very powerful and simultaneously, 'yin'. In a soft way, profound Love is redeemed.
And so, reflecting on how this Venusian energy is transpiring in my life — I reflect on self-love, self-worth, and unconditional love. There is a clear pattern I've been called to release. I wonder, if we are created by the Light (we know the Light is within us all), shouldn't it be natural to love ourselves unconditionally? Yet to me, this unconditional self-love does not emerge naturally — it is a choice that I'm reminded to choose by and by.
Perhaps that's how we are able to evolve. Perhaps one can only truly learn what it is to love unconditionally when life presents challenges/opportunities to choose either way. Free will is the flavour of our human existence — which is precisely suppose to make life fun. I know — at times, it is not fun at all. But we shall agree on: adventurous. Life is supposed to be a magnificent adventure. If we so choose to perceive it that way. — If we so choose to love ourselves unconditionally. To have compassion for our flaws, to aspire to evolve into the person we have the potential to be, the person we feel inspired by. To hold ourselves accountable and surrender to the natural rhythms of life. As Venus surrendered Her sacred gifts. True redemption is only possible when there is trust. And redemption grants a new cycle. A new beginning — it reads redundant, but we are truly blessed with so many new beginnings in our lives, are we not?
I suppose this is the essence of evolution after all — at times, it seems that we are back to the same place, but in reality, we are in a loop. It is always a level-up. No energy is wasted. Past efforts and challenges are transformed into wisdom. Because of the challenges, we are wiser now. Because of them, we evolved into this levelled-up version of ourselves. This is a time of new lights and a new attitude towards life. This is a time of Renaissance.

From now until March 2025, Venus will get further and further from the Sun, thus becoming more and more brilliant as an Evening Star in the heavens. Yes, we are just beginning. I invite you to observe how this transpires in your life, too. Where do you naturally feel inspired to redeem your Light? May we all bask in dazzling sunsets this season and let our hearts and minds be illuminated by Venus's warmth of sensibility. Knowing that — wherever and whenever we want — we can call upon Her Light. It will always guide us through the whispers of our hearts.
" Without fail, she reveals her presence. Without fail, she brings us to our own perfection. Although it is invisible, it endures; it will never end." — excerpt from 'Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life' by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, traversing Verse Six of the Tao Te Ching: Creativity is who we are
Let the core essence of who you are enlighten your way.
Vivre en amour,