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Writer's pictureDaniela Mazoni

Venus Star Allure

Updated: Jun 8, 2024

First and foremost, I would love to begin this conversation by sharing with you, in a nutshell, what creates the Venus Star and its allure in our lives. The timing is perfect, because this week, on June 4th, 2024, we will be graced by one of these stellar phenomena — the moment Venus kisses the Sun in our sky.


"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul."

— Hermes Trismegistus


Astrologically, the kiss happens when Venus, the Sun, and Earth align. As the astrologer Arielle Guttman beautifully explains, "It is the alignment of the love of Venus, the light of the Sun, and our Earthly body." That is why it is so nourishing to honour this stellar event and receive the gifts designed for each of us.

The observation of Venus in our sky is an ancient practice — it is so beautiful to recognise that millennia ago, human eyes recorded knowledge that we contemplate today with the technology of our minds and hearts, too. Beyond the astronomical understanding of the Venus cycle, the Mythology that helps us navigate these energetics is just — magnificent, I dare say.

A Venus Star transit will always, somehow, transpire as a significant event in our reality. When reflecting on events in my life in the past years regarding the Venus Star, I was utterly impressed and fascinated by how precise it is. So let's break it down, shall we?

Venus Synodic Cycle
Earth and Venus Orbits

Imagine a dance choreography. And well, it takes two for tango. Venus is the 'prima ballerina', the Sun is Her male counterpart, and we (Earth) are the audience.

Venus Morning Star
Venus in front of the Sun

Venus's full lap around the Sun graces us with a kiss in front of the Sun (called Venus Morning Star by the ancient sky watchers) and another kiss behind the Sun (the reason we cannot see Her at this point, called Venus Evening Star). Between one kiss and the next, there are approximately 9 months — interesting timing, yeah?

Venus Evening Star
Venus behind the Sun

And they have different energies. Each kiss creates one arm of the Venus Star. There are 5 of them over an 8-year cycle, flaring up Venusian themes throughout our lives — time and time again.

Et voilá — you have just visualised the elegant orbit of Venus around the Sun from our Earthly point of view. It is named the Venus Synodic Cycle. The word 'synod' has Greek roots for "meeting point."


And where are they meeting this time in space? 

The upcoming kiss will star Gemini — 14° Gemini sign in Tropical astrology.


Venus will perform the exterior conjunction at Her maximum distance from Earth. Evening Star phase. Aphrodite Urania. Connection to the Heavens. Connection to our depths. Yin energy. Open-hearted.

Wherever Venus is — She always radiates the energy of Love, the language of life. A language with no words but melodies. Heartfelt melodies.

Gemini is the archetype of communication, intellect, curiosity...Spoken words are just one way of communication. Our body language speaks volumes. What is your Love language?

This Gemini Venus Star invites us to communicate with an open heart and grace. Mayhaps we will find ourselves communicating with no words at all — but presence. Heart-to-heart communication.


Let us bridge the intelligent mind with the wise heart.


If you are intimate with your birth chart, I invite you to observe where this astrological transit transpires, and how you feel about it — Align with your heart. What is whispering to you?

Let the core essence of who you are enlighten your way. 

It is an honour and a pleasure to share Venusian sageness with you.

Blessed be, 


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