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Writer's pictureDaniela Mazoni

Welcome to Venusian Sun Day debut.

Updated: Jul 5, 2024

We are all born into this world with an aura. Our core essence. As beings of evolution, we constantly evolve. Yet, our core essence is unwavering. Eternally devoted to inspiring our growth and igniting the spark of Light within. Evoking a sense of presence and satisfaction. Satisfaction is a Venusian word — Would you agree?

In ancient mythology, Venus was revered as the embodiment of fertility, desire, Beauty and, by all means — Love. Her tales remind us of the strength found in vulnerability. How does this all transpire in our daily lives?

Well...we are constantly influenced by the moon, the planets, and the entire sky — Heavens, if you wish.

Venus's rhythmic orbit creates a five-pointed star pattern in our sky —coined as Venus Star Point® by the astrologer Arielle Guttman — and because it is a pattern, we can easily observe it throughout 5 different areas of our lives. It is a Venusian signature beyond our natal Venus sign — Do you know your Venus Star Signature?


As a certified practitioner & teacher of the Venus Star Point® technique, a landscape architect, designer, and writer, I am inspired by the interplay of Venus's cycles to Mythology, Art History, Paradise Gardens, and the culture of Garden Roses.

Through studies and reflections on life experiences and cultural movements, it became clear the profound influence that the Venus Star exerts on our lives, guiding us towards fulfilment.

But how, you may wonder, could You get to know your Venus Star signature to enrich your life?

Join me on Venusian Sun Day — my desire is to bestow exquisite insight into the Venus Star Signature so that you can emphasize your inherent Beauty — inviting a state of Self-evolvement and Serenity in equal measure. After all, we are in the realms of Venus. Balance is of the essence.


By cultivating intimacy with your Venus Star Signature— embracing your core essence — you will always be inspired to bridge the intelligent mind with the wise heart. It is a sophisticated approach — Embodied Love.


And so, until we meet again — I invite you to ponder this question: What dreams lie dormant within your heart, waiting to be awakened by the allure of your best Self? Let the core essence of who you are enlighten your way. Honour your heart. 

It is an honour and a pleasure to share Venusian sageness with you.

Will you join me?



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